About me

My Story

Over the years I’ve been creating functional, delightful, and valuable experiences that leave a positive impact on people and businesses. Currently, I design solutions at Google London building powerful experiences to be used on different devices by billions of people every year.

Previously, I helped people achieve more in less time at Any.do, launched mobile video editor at Promo.com, redesigned and co-led several key features in web there and worked on two Taxi services. Besides that, I like practicing mentorship for the early stage start-ups.

In my spare time, you'll find me either walking outdoors or riding my shiny red Vespa. I’m truly passionate about shooting stunning landscapes and contributing to Unsplash, making and listening to music, staring at the classic shapes of Bauhaus.

Over and above this, I love traveling which is always a huge source of inspiration for me. I’m enjoyng the fact it makes me a better designer and helps understand how different cultures approach problems in different ways and apply it in ethnographic research.


About me

Over the years I’ve been creating functional, delightful, and valuable experiences that leave a positive impact on people and businesses. Currently, I design solutions at Google London building powerful experiences to be used on different devices by billions of people every year.

Previously, I helped people achieve more in less time at Any.do, launched mobile video editor at Promo.com, redesigned and co-led several key features in web there and worked on two Taxi services. Besides that, I like practicing mentorship for the early stage start-ups.

In my spare time, you'll find me either walking outdoors or riding my shiny red Vespa. I’m truly passionate about shooting stunning landscapes and contributing to Unsplash, making and listening to music, staring at the modern architecture or classic shapes of Bauhaus.

Recently featured by Case Study Club, editor’s pick on Bestfolios and Brian Lovin’s inspiring portfolios list.

I’d love to build something great with you, say hi.


© 2025 Sascha Eremin


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